Real-time chat

SupremeViewer - real time chat banner

While troubleshooting computers remotely, one major concern is understanding what exactly is preventing the end user from getting their work done. Often, the best way to get to the root of the problem is to start chatting with the end user about their issue. SupremeViewer offers real-time chat to get you started.

Initiate chat from SupremeViewer Client

SupremeViewer Client is a software that allows you to connect and interact with remote computers and servers located anywhere in the globe via the internet.

1. Connect to the remote computer by using the SupremeViewer Client.

Real Rime Chat- Active Session

2. A toolbar with icons will be available on the top. Click the “Open chat… icon.

Real Time Chat Button

3. Type a message in the chat and click “Send” button.

Send Message.

4. The message is received from the other end.

The sent message is received.

Initiate chat from SupremeViewer Server

SupremeViewer Server is a software that allows remote access to the computer where it is installed.

1. Connection between SupremeViewer Client and Server should exist.

Real Rime Chat - Active Session

2. Go to the SupremeViewer icon in the system tray.

2.1 Click the arrow in the system tray.
Viewer SupremeViewer Server Icon

2.2 Right click the SupremeViewer Server icon.
The blue icon shows that there is an active session (there is connected client).
Active SupremeViewer Server icon

3. Select “List All Clients” from the drop down menu.

SupremeViewer Clients List

4. Select the connected client and start the chat.

Select the currently connected client from the left panel and then start the chat by clicking the button “Chat with Client“.
SupremeViewer - start chat with client.

5. Type a message in the chat and click “Send” button to send it to the client.

SupremeViewer Server - receive message from server.

6. The message is received in the client.

SupremeViewer Server - message received from server.

Close the window when done.

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